Monday, December 17, 2007

Conference Bridge deals can save time and money

Many medium to large size companies buy their own conference bridge equipment and maintain their own in-house conference facilities. While outsourcing conferencing is probably less expensive, there are ways to save time and money by controlling your own conferencing. First, you don't need to overspend buying new hardware. There are plenty of perfectly fine used conference bridges that can offer you the same level of service for much less. Second, if you are upgrading, don't junk the old equipment or have it sit collecting dust in the closet down the hall -- turn it into cash by selling it. Third, the most reliable and well known conference bridge brand names are Octave, Think Engine and Spectel. Stick to those brands and you should do well. And fourth, think about the idea of leasing, including options to buy down the road. You can also purchase service and maintenance options, and even get yourself an outside management firm to handle the distribution of PIN codes to your employees. All in all, with the help of a good conference bridge dealer, you can custom make a conference program that is designed for your particular needs, and save time and money in the end.

For more information on how to buy or sell conference bridges, you can go here:

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Toll free conference call charges based on cell phone model

Everyone is familiar with how cell phone companies charge. You choose the number of minutes you want to buy for the month, and you pay for them whether you use them or not. If you go over the number of minutes in your plan, there is an extra charge. It's a model that works quite well and consumers seem pleased with it. Now the same model is being offered for toll free conference calling. calls it "Toll Free Super-Saver" and the per minute rate is about 4 cents per minute -- probably as low as you're going to find in the conference call industry for toll free service. Customers like the plan because their monthly conference call costs are predictable and they get the lowest rates at the same time. It's as close as you can get to "flat rate" conferencing on the toll free side.

You can get more information here:

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Conference Call quality still leads preferences

Having a conference call with line noise or static or dropped calls is a nightmare. It is the biggest and most frustrating experience for those hosting the call and is anything but professional, especially if you are using a conference call service for sales or a presentation. There are a few ways to insure your conference call maintains the high quality your looking for. First, make sure your conference service and your participants are not using VoIP (voice over Internet protocol). Reports continue to come in that the VoIP quality is just not there yet. You can get a list of potential VoIP problems here. Second, it is quite common that one of your participants has a bad phone connection and is contaminating the entire conference. Generally, you as the moderator, can press 0 on your keypad and connect with a conference operator who can then isolate the offending caller and disconnect them from the conference. Third, you can "mute" everyone on the conference call, except those who call in with the moderator PIN codes, by pressing *5 (star + 5) on your keypad. That eliminates all noise on the participants' lines.

You can get more information here:

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cut conference call costs by using these...

If you have a conference call service that bills by the minute, there are two features that you want to make sure you have installed. These optional features are provided at no cost and can be included as part of your service at anytime. First, you want "music on hold" as part of your conference call service. That simply means that your participants will be listening to music until you, the moderator, join the conference. The advantage? Your billable minutes don't start until you get there. So, if you have participants who show up to your phone conference 5 minutes early, you won't be billed for that unused time.

The second conference call feature you want installed is "auto hang-up" which means that as soon as you, the moderator, hangs up -- the conference call is ended and the participants are automatically disconnected from the conference. The obvious benefit here is that you won't be paying for participants who want to keep talking on the conference bridge after the conference is over. Using "music on hold" and "auto hang-up" are two easy ways to cut your conference call costs, and are provided free of charge by your conference provider.

You can get more information here:

Monday, December 10, 2007

Flat rate conference calls gaining in popularity

Several years ago, no one heard of flat rate conference calling. And yet today, this model is taking the conference call industry by storm. The whole idea behind flat rate conference calling is that it provides you with an unlimited number of minutes every month -- you can talk anytime you want as long as you want -- all for a fixed cost. The only "catch" is that the moderator and participants must dial a long distance number to access the conference bridge (it is not toll free.) However, new developments in telecommunications marketing have solved that problem. Today, most of the major phone carriers offer FREE long distance bundled with their local services. In a nutshell, that is why flat rate conference calling has gained so much in popularity. With free long distance, and the ability to have an unlimited number of conference minutes at your disposal with out any reservations or time of day restrictions, you can see why business and non-profit groups are embracing the concept. Flat rate conference calling definitely can save a lot of money for budget conscious organizations.

You can learn more about flat rate conference calls here: